Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Google talk in Gmail service

                           In December,2007,Google company decided to upgrade the Gmail user account.The company include AOL instant messenger in it.This feature mallow the user of Gamil to enjoy the chat service and user can send and receive instant messages.This service is signed on the Google talk.Google Gadget Talk client and have not upgraded to enable this feature yet, but no release was made about when will be available.


                  The Google company on February introduced a new feature which is called chatback with the help of this a Google talk account owner can chat to other person who even do not have one. Account owner must first create a badge that can be included in Web pages.There is a sign which shows the availability of the owner.Clicking on the badge of the chat results notification request of the owner who can answer you clicked on a URL.Here both sides should use the Google talk gadget and both user can remain unknown for each other they can not know who is on the other side and even with Google the name of the owner shall not be disclosed to other peers.

On November 11, 2008, Google Chat (out loud transmission and video chat) launched: it was possible to PCs and Intel-based Mac-es.
On July 7, 2009, Google Talk was announced along with the beta of Gmail, Google Docs and Google Apps.
And now these services are very popular in the people.There are thousands of benefits of these services and it is a great innovation of modern life.  

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