Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Development stages of Googletalk

The was the first company who introduced the Google instant messaging service on the XMMP based technology On 23 August 2004. Just a year later, after hearing a Google-branded "communications tool" service had been reported by The New York Times and developed by the Los Angeles Times on August 22, 2005 subdomain is found that are active server XMPP.
Two methods of logging on the server were discovered soon after and the subsequent reaction of eager bloggers revealed how many others to enter before the official release from Google

      On the evening of August 23, many logged-in users using port 5222 to connect separate and unable to log back in. Users using port 5223 to connect were still able to log in, and 04:12:52UTC those users received broadcast instant messages from, an apparently official username used by Google for communication with the consumer base, it said: 'broken link is fixed. Thanks for being our first users! Port 5222-connectivity was found to have been recovered.On 24 August, Google Talk was officially launched.
It was great creation of that time and lot of people like and satisfied with Google services.

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