Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Google talk Gadgets.

The Google company is excited to launch a new method of using the Google talk.
The Google talk gadget is totally web based
module that you can add to your Google Personalized Homepage, which lets you view your friends and chat with them - all in your homepage. 

The company  knows that many people love being able to chat with your friends in Gmail Chat, so company created the Talk Gadget to offer this experience in other places, starting with iGoogle. You'll find all Gmail and Google Talk contacts organized for you in the Talk Gadget. And just like with Gmail Chat, you do not need to download and install software to use it. One thing I really like is that it looks and feels the same as a desktop Linux laptop Windows, and it also works on Mac-es. No matter where you go, everything you need to do is log in to your Google, and here it is.
So in short Google is trying to give maximum solutions to the users and making the use of internet very cool.

Future plannings

Google has kept his eyes on his bright future therefore company is creating more and more new techniques so that people can get advantages from these techniques.
Currently company is thinking to built some new features  like support for SIP in a future version which will make wider the userbase fore the program.
Therefore company has made a  co ordination with eBay  on August 2006 it was announced that the company will look into making Google Talk users can communicate with Skype.
"The company will also explore interoperability between Skype and Google Talk through open standards to enable text chat and online presence.

              On May 2007, a video clip was posted from the Google presentation in which some phone integration were shown. in Google talk.It later it was confirmed by a Google engineer That they have been using it internally for some time.
In short Google is giving his best to the people as much as possible.

Google talk Lab's edition

Currently Google company has created a new version of Google talk which is called "Google talk Labs edition".
Company is thinking that it is still not a complete version because there are some features which are not installed in it.
The features which will include in it will be like video chat and file sharing.
It has rounded signals a new letter.It can open several chat boxes and also private chat box and  big chat box.
It can be freely download from Google's website.Only flash player is required to play it when you will download it new plugin will be downloaded.
The version is intended for general use, hence why she Labs Edition. Labs edition includes Google Update Service.


So try to use this version because this version will give you too much more from your thoughts and you will enjoy and will feel easy to use it.So download it and start to enjoying Fun.

Google talk in Gmail service

                           In December,2007,Google company decided to upgrade the Gmail user account.The company include AOL instant messenger in it.This feature mallow the user of Gamil to enjoy the chat service and user can send and receive instant messages.This service is signed on the Google talk.Google Gadget Talk client and have not upgraded to enable this feature yet, but no release was made about when will be available.


                  The Google company on February introduced a new feature which is called chatback with the help of this a Google talk account owner can chat to other person who even do not have one. Account owner must first create a badge that can be included in Web pages.There is a sign which shows the availability of the owner.Clicking on the badge of the chat results notification request of the owner who can answer you clicked on a URL.Here both sides should use the Google talk gadget and both user can remain unknown for each other they can not know who is on the other side and even with Google the name of the owner shall not be disclosed to other peers.

On November 11, 2008, Google Chat (out loud transmission and video chat) launched: it was possible to PCs and Intel-based Mac-es.
On July 7, 2009, Google Talk was announced along with the beta of Gmail, Google Docs and Google Apps.
And now these services are very popular in the people.There are thousands of benefits of these services and it is a great innovation of modern life.  

Further Development stages in Google talk

The Google company decide to modify The Google talk more therefore in December 2005 company decided to add some more feature in it like videos and other multimedia functions for this purpose company released
libjingle, c + + library to implement the jingle  which is consist of a set of a extensions to the extensible messaging and the IETF presence Protocol for use in internet telephony
                                                                             .Libjingle a library of code that Google uses for peer to peer communication, and were granted under the license BSD. On February 7, 2006, Gmail added the ability to chat with built-in client XMPP. On March 14, 2007, Google launched Talk Google Gadget, an Adobe Flash-based Talk module that can be added to iGoogle (Google's official iGoogle) or embedded in any web page, thereby allowing a to chat from any operating system which is supported by Adobe Flash Player, while Adobe Flash Player is installed.
                                                   On November 26, 2007, Google Talk released Group Chat abilities. Before that, users can only talk to one person per screen. Group Chat to many users to chat with each other in an environment similar to IRC. 

Development stages of Googletalk

The was the first company who introduced the Google instant messaging service on the XMMP based technology On 23 August 2004. Just a year later, after hearing a Google-branded "communications tool" service had been reported by The New York Times and developed by the Los Angeles Times on August 22, 2005 subdomain is found that are active server XMPP.
Two methods of logging on the server were discovered soon after and the subsequent reaction of eager bloggers revealed how many others to enter before the official release from Google

      On the evening of August 23, many logged-in users using port 5222 to connect separate and unable to log back in. Users using port 5223 to connect were still able to log in, and 04:12:52UTC those users received broadcast instant messages from, an apparently official username used by Google for communication with the consumer base, it said: 'broken link is fixed. Thanks for being our first users! Port 5222-connectivity was found to have been recovered.On 24 August, Google Talk was officially launched.
It was great creation of that time and lot of people like and satisfied with Google services.

Google talk in Mobil phones

In oder to introduce the Google talk in mobile phone technology so that it may available at every time to its users Nokia was the first company who introduced this service into his model Nokia 770 internet tablet on 30 June,2006 which includes Google Talk as one of the clients compatible VoIP, because of XMPP-based software.

After this creation it became a trend to launched the Google talk in mobiles.
On 15 September, 2006 Sony introduced it in the version Mylo.Butt currently it is available in all big mobiles like Blackberry and Apple series.Google Talk support is also integrated with Google Android device

                                  However, given that Google Talk provides XMPP protocol, most mobile phones, for which an appropriate XMPP client exists [13] could offer the service Google Talk, at least theoretically (depending on the phone, the user may face warnings security because of the ugly Java ME MIDlets or restrictions imposed by the mobile service provider). Mobile customers, specially designed for Google Talk exist as well.
              Most phones support the IMPS protocol, and there are hybrid XMPP/IMPS network it also allow the user to use the Google talk.Google talk service can also be use via IMPS by using this you are accessible to contact with your Gmail users but you can not log in to the Google talk.    
            And most smartphones, including Symbian-based and Android, third-party applications such as Nimbuzz and Fring include support for Talk accounts Google, including invitations VoIP, an option not offered by Google-client down in Android.